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    Cenforce 150 is a brand of sildenafil citrate, which is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It belongs to a class of medications called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. Regarding its effect on the menstrual cycle in women, there is no direct effect documented in medical literature. Since Cenforce 150mg is not indicated for use in women, systematic studies on its impact specifically on the menstrual cycle have not been conducted. However, medications that affect blood flow or hormonal balance can potentially have indirect effects on menstrual cycles. Women who take sildenafil or similar medications for pulmonary hypertension (which is an approved use in women) may experience side effects related to blood pressure changes or hormonal shifts, but these effects are not typically related to menstrual cycle irregularities. If you’re experiencing changes in your menstrual cycle and are taking medications like sildenafil, it’s important to discuss these symptoms with a healthcare provider. They can help determine if there is any relationship between your medication and menstrual changes and provide appropriate guidance.


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